More Information:
Provide background information on your organization, including when it was founded, current programs offered, geographic area, number of clients served and type of population served.
In the box below, provide a one-sentence description of the project for which you seek funding. State exactly what the funds will be used for and list how much you are requesting in grant funds.
*You must request approval from JCCF, Inc. prior to submissions over $10,000.
Please do not exceed ONE page.
Narrative should include:
Problem Statement, Goals & Objectives, Methods, Workplan, Timeline
Application Checklist 1. Application does not exceed 5-page limit and is paper-clipped (no staples).
2. Provide one copy of the application and the following attachments:
o list of officers and board members
o copy of IRS 501 (c (3) letter (not required for public schools or government agencies)
o financial report (preferably audited) for most recently completed fiscal year, showing income and expenses
o most recent 990 tax return or 990-N postcard
o current organizational budget, showing income and expenses
o actual estimates or invoices
o budget attachment page(excel worksheet)
3. Submit application to the JCCF, Inc. Office,108 North Church Street, Ripley, WV25271 by the post mark deadline. For your convenience - a drop box is located in the lobby of the JCCF, Inc. Office -City National Bank building.